National Education Curriculum 1947

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Curriculum Education 1947

Eureka Education - the travel the national curriculum, starting from 1947, exactly two years after the independence of Indonesia. As a nation newly freed from invaders, so many aspects of national life that needs to be organized independently, including Education . Actually training was organized within the framework of regional communities, both religious and life skills or abilities. "It should be mentioned the sense of education and examples. Education aims also direct knowledge, an understanding of the values ​​of life, values, morals to give values ​​beauty and divinity (PGRI, 6). "

Education to be original to develop regionalism eventually introduce the formal education system in the form of school in an education system that generally applies equally to the Netherlands. So introduced through this school learned their lessons, grade level, the evaluation system and so on. The establishment of schools, which took place from the Netherlands in the 10s. Then Education and then the Netherlands the Law School made in 1684 together with the increasing complexity of implementation for the first time, among other things, (PGRI 08: 7): set a) schools will have to be authorized by the Dutch government, b) started in the school at 8:00 am and 11:00 14:00 to 17:00, c) is forbidden to mix lessons boys and girls, d) Self and school of government, e regulated fees) schools must be monitored twice a year.

studied at a Dutch school reading, writing, arithmetic and prayer subjects generally. It is typical of the Dutch education system is the lack of distinction between the indigenous peoples of the school with the children of the nobility and Dutch children. The Dutch school system continued during the reign of the Netherlands, lost to the Netherlands as an ally. As a result of this defeat, Indonesia is dominated by the Japanese, then turned the education system organized. In the Japanese period, the change of the lack of distinction type of school, grade level is the entry into force applicable in general the effectiveness of old time school at all levels of education as a whole, and the domination of national defense activities.

The history of the event, that the education system, which has a variety of shades, if it was independent, Indonesia began to restructure the education system. Education in the early days of independence was under the control Suryadi Suryaningrat yangmenjabat as Minister of Education and develop curricula in 1947. In fact, in 1947 the curriculum better known as empty plan (in Dutch) , the "lesson plans" means. Atmosphere Education longer held with the efforts to do Mensch Indonesia is independent and sovereign, which is aligned with the nation lain.Lebih Specifically, in 1947, the working group responsible for preparing the draft Education has formulated a national educational goals. The national education goals at the time was to educate the citizens who are willing to donate real energy and spirit for the state and society. In other words, the emphasis on spirit and heroism (patriotism) planting the national educational goals at the time.

, the education system organized attempt the needs of people at the time and also strive loss of shadow education system of the Netherlands and Japan were no longer relevant to understand. The effort is a logical consequence of the changes in several aspects of the dynamics of the community. Thus, the learning process is to seek the development of the affective sphere, rather than cognitive and psychomotor domains. Moreover, the process of is learning still centered on the teacher, it is still under way, as learning situations still thick with learning situations in the past. However, teacher training efforts relating to student life.
In accordance with the name of Lesson Plan contains a number of issues that need to be examined in accordance with a hierarchy of students. generally with reading, writing, arithmetic, skills and customs brought these issues in conjunction. Themes based on the development of science has also been working to be learned in this period, such as the subjects Natural Science, Life Science, Business Studies and Geography. When teaching process at this time there is no examination evaluation system that is daily, quarterly tests and final exam at the level of the end of each level.

In some literature suggests that the new 1947 curriculum can be implemented by all schools in 1950, this is the situation and the social conditions in relationship occur if it is not yet fully implement curriculum 1947.

References: Hidayat, Sholeh. 2013 New curriculum development . Bandung: PT Rosada work
PGRI and the Ministry of National Education. 08. One Hundred Years of struggle Guru Indonesia . Jakarta
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